Mingrui Zhao

GrUVi Lab. Simon Fraser University

mingrui underscore zhao at sfu dot ca

I am a second year Computing Science Master student at the Simon Fraser Univesrity under supervison of Prof. Ali Mahdavi-Amiri.

Before joining SFU, I was a Research Assistant at the Australian National Univesrity under the supervision of Dr. Liang Zheng and Prof. Hongdong Li. Earlier than this, I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Mechatronic Engineering (Research & Development) and Mathematical Sciences at the Australian National University. During my undergraduate studies at ANU, I was very fortunate to collaborate with Prof. Stephen Gould for my honors thesis.

I have research interests in Single View 3D Reconstruction, primitive fitting, generative modeling and broad topics in Computer Graphics.

At my spare time, I like doing jigsaw puzzles, playing badminton, swimming and hiking.


Jul 01, 2024 SweepNet is accepted at ECCV2024!
Oct 15, 2022 Hello Vancouver! :smiley:

selected publications

  1. sweepnet.gif
    SweepNet: Unsupervised Learning Shape Abstraction via Neural Sweepers
    In European Conference on Computer Vision, 2024
  2. cdc.png
    Cross-domain Compositing with Pretrained Diffusion Models
    Roy Hachnochi, Mingrui Zhao, Nadav Orzech, Rinon GalAli Mahdavi-AmiriDaniel Cohen-Or, and Amit Haim Bermano
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.10167, 2023